Sample Scrum Team Agreement

As a member of a scrum team, one of the most critical documents you`ll need is a team agreement. This document lays out the ground rules for how the team will work together, outlines responsibilities, and sets expectations. Having a well-crafted team agreement can help your team run smoothly and avoid unnecessary conflicts. To help you get started, here`s a sample scrum team agreement.


The team agreement is designed to provide clarity on how the team will operate, communicate, and collaborate. It covers the roles and responsibilities of team members, communication protocols, conflict resolution, and work practices.

Roles and responsibilities

Team members will be responsible for their assigned tasks and will collaborate with other team members when needed. Each member is responsible for updating the team on their progress and raising concerns.


Effective communication is key to the success of the team. Members will use the following channels for communication:

– Daily Scrum: A daily stand-up meeting will be held at the same time every day to share progress and address any issues.

– Slack: The team will use Slack for quick communication and updates.

– Email: Email will be used for more formal or detailed communication, such as meeting minutes or project updates.

– Sprint retrospective: The team will hold a sprint retrospective at the end of each sprint to discuss what worked well and what could be improved.

Conflict resolution

If conflicts arise, team members are encouraged to address them directly with the individuals involved. If the conflict cannot be resolved, the team will seek the help of the Scrum Master and/or Product Owner.

Work practices

The team will work collaboratively to deliver high-quality work. To achieve this, the team will:

– Follow the Agile methodology and adhere to the Scrum framework.

– Use the project management tool to track progress, update tasks, and document any issues.

– Attend all meetings and be on time.

– Take responsibility for delivering quality work on time.

– Be respectful of each other`s time and workload.


Having a team agreement in place is essential for the success of any scrum team. It helps to set expectations, clarify roles and responsibilities, and ensure that the team is working together effectively. This sample scrum team agreement will help you get started and can be modified to suit the needs of your team. Remember to revisit the agreement regularly to make sure it`s still relevant and effective.